Saturday, February 11, 2012

The 7 Plan

I have seven weeks... Seven weeks to focus on the things from Jen Hatmaker's book, 7.

Week 1: Feb. 15-21 Food-- Seven foods: chicken, spinach, eggs, avocado, pears, potatoes, Greek yogurt.
No coffee. Only water.
This is the perfect fast for the start of Lent.

Week 2: Feb. 22-28 Clothes-- Seven articles of clothing
**Underthings don't count
Should pajamas?!?

Week 3: Feb. 29-March 6 Possessions-- Give away 7 things a day.
Goal: Not just to a thrift store, but to real people
Ideas: Meals of Hope, Lily Sparrow House, Hospitality House
**Relationship... not just charity

Week 4: March 7-13 Media
No cable, facebook, twitter, apps. Email only.

Week 5: March 14-20 Waste

Week 6: March 21-27 Spending-- Only spend at seven places
Wondering if I could only spend $70.

Week 7: March 28-April 3 Stress

April 1- Palm Sunday, I will be sharing this experience at an Adult Forum at church.

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