Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Well, I have to be honest, I am glad I am done with 7 foods. I had some realizations about how I think about/rationalize/eat food- which was interesting to me. But I will admit, I wasn't as thorough as a follower as I should have been.

Maybe in retrospect, it was a good idea to do the foods before the Ash Wednesday, because the week was a concrete example of "screwing up." And today is a beautiful day of reconciliation-- and a new start.

I found this great devotion to share today:

Today, Ash Wednesday, is the first day of Lent. In some traditions people will go to church and get ashes smeared onto their forehead as the minister says, “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” This act is humbling and grounding. It is a way of remembering that God created you from dust, and you will return to the dust, thus returning to God.

This is a day of reconciliation, of being joined back together with God, of being reunited with the one who made you. This is a day of intentionally stopping to remember that we are made in the image of God and we are to treat others as the image of God. This is a day of consciously living in the knowledge that God made us, that Jesus came among us as servant that we might know God better, and that God continues to live among us as the Holy Spirit. Today is a day of reconciliation and being reunited. Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.

It is from I guess it is a site that does devotionals everyday... cool.

I love the image that God created me (Dust)... and I will return to God (Dust). In the meantime, here on earth, I am given great opportunities to serve God. Not that what I do has to be so great... but if I can stay focused not only on God's call... but on reconciliation, I can be "freed" in a sense. Freed to screw up- to eat chips when I am supposed to be eating a pear- but to have my heart focused on God and serving him and his people.

Okay- enough of that- here is the benediction from the same site- I need this on a post-it that I can see everyday:

Move now into the broken world.
Travel with an intense determination
To find your way into healing,
To take the message of reconciliation
With you, Within you,
For everyone.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Still on the week of food...

I have no idea how the author did this for a month... Eating only seven foods?!? I messed it up Saturday night... and though today is a little easier since I am at home, I am out of a few of the foods- so, do I go and buy pears and eggs when I have a fridge/cupboard of other foods? Doesn't really make sense...

A friend of mine took the week and is eating only what is in their house- no grocery shopping (except milk). I could probably survive for a long time doing that. Of course, by the end, a meal might be stewed tomatoes and poptarts... but there would always be something to eat.

I know, I know- this really isn't about just eating the "food." And I have had a few realizations:
1. I love food. I eat too much of it.
2. When I tell myself "no" I just want it more
3. We have an abundance of food... and if it takes eating only seven things to be able to focus on the hunger in our world, then I am all in.
4. I need to do something active in regards to hunger- just not sure what it will be.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Food, Glorious Food

Okay, I am putting it out there: I have issues with food. Now, just from looking at me, I am sure this does not come as a surprise. But of all the realizations from this "7" experience, how I rely on food is a big one.

When I feel I "need something," an avocado or hard boiled egg just isn't going to do it. I think I need candy or a brownie... it wasn't until now, when I am not eating "just anything" that I realized that I too often eat "just anything."

And then it happened... a woman at church was serving brownies and ice cream- and I had some. Which made me fall off the seven wagon and right onto the "14 train." By this I mean, supper last night was full of non-seven foods. Well, I shouldn't say full- I had avocado and spinach... but there was also shredded cheese and taco soup.

So, what does this mean? I don't think I have failed this process- not totally anyway. I think it means that I have trouble resisting-- especially resisting food. A friend who is also doing this said, "I could do this week for a long time-- not a problem." Not me.

But maybe I should.

How do I work past this impulse need to eat? I received an email with this Bible verse:
Well, whatever you do, whether you eat or dink, do it for God’s glory. 1 Corinthians 10:31

That's the second time I was challenged with the question of is what I am doing for God's glory? First, was my habit of doing things "on the fly." Is that giving God my best?
Second, is my food choices-- losing focus on the seven foods all because of brownies and ice cream.

I don't think there are only seven foods with which I can glorify God. However, when I make a choice to stick with something, I need to do it.

But, thanks be to God for a God of grace-- for when we fall (no matter how hard, fast, or far) we fall right into the grace of God.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Week one; Day two

All is well! Today, I met with two friends who are also reading this book and exploring what it looks like to simplify and make more room for God.

One of the things we were talking about was how many choices we have! I guess this seems like a no-brainer, but yesterday, walking into the grocery store only looking for seven things, it becomes so apparent that we have an abundance (an insane EXCESS) of choices. Even in my seven things: I had the choices between three kinds of pears; two kinds of avocados... and an ABUNDANCE of ways to buy chicken! This is a blessing, indeed. BUT...

But, I can't help but think that I also must be aware of this EXCESS. I can easily be convinced that I NEED more than I do... I tell myself, "it really isn't that much in comparison to all that I could have." But it is still too much. Way too much.

When Jesus talks about being the Good Shepherd (John 10) he says, "I have come that they may have life, and have it abundantly." Jesus doesn't want us to have an abundance of stuff, he has come so we have an abundance of LIFE. And you can't buy that at the Hy-vee.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I am not going to lie. I miss coffee and it has only been 6 hours. It sounds selfish, I know. Consider this the "repentance" portion of the experience.

Week 1; Day 1

Well, the day is here. I have been praying and talking about it for a couple weeks... and now it is time to start.

Week 1: Focus is food. I will eat only seven foods this week... I haven't eaten anything yet! Ha! However, next to me is a glass of water and not a cup of coffee. I don't think that giving up coffee is going to be some sort of "miracle change" in me... but I do think that going without all the choices and "comforts and habits" will make me more aware of the privileges in my life an awareness of the "life I expect." Rather than living a life that GOD would expect.

Hatmaker writes... "How can this be meaningful, not just narcissistic?" That is a key question. This is something that I am doing, but I don't want it to be about me. She also writes that the book was written from "a place of repentance not arrogance." That is key:

A friend once told me about a "Jesus Juke." For instance, in this article, the author writes that he tweeted about a big crowd at a concert, and someone commented, "If we had a big concert for Jesus, no one would come." Hear the horn? Wah, Wah, Wah.... This kind of response creates shame and never leads to good conversation. That is NOT the intent of this experience! It is all about GENERATING great conversation! Conversation that is centered on God's kingdom; here and now!

And one more goal (speaking of conversation)... I have never been the greatest at praying-- I know, odd because I am studying to be a pastor, and most people probably think that pastors just sit around all day and pray (my husband certainly thinks that). But, I don't. So, I hope that prayer can also be a focus of this experience. And not prayer like some poetic dissertation, but just a common conversation with God. I preached about it on Sunday-- I sure would like to be able to do it.

Well, I am going to finish my glass of water now. Coffee is made with water... maybe it is kind of the same thing! Ha.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Two more days...

Two more days until I embark on the first of 7 weeks of focus... the first week is food. I must have subconsciously known that my diet was going to change, because today I couldn't get enough cheese, cupcakes, or coffee!

I was reading on Jen Hatmaker's blog, and she writes:

Enough with the obscene excess while the rest of the world is burning down outside our windows. Enough with the waste as 25,000 people die today of hunger, while I throw away another pound of food we didn’t get around to eating. Enough with the debt, the spending, the amassing, the irresponsibility, the indulgence, the fake discipleship, the rat race, the hamster wheel, the power and positioning and posturing with a hunger still for more, more, more, all the while pretending to follow a Jesus who didn’t even have a place to lay his head.

I have had enough. This journey is going to be more that 7 weeks of focus. It is going to focus my ministry... how do I authentically preach the gospel when I hunger for more and more?

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The 7 Plan

I have seven weeks... Seven weeks to focus on the things from Jen Hatmaker's book, 7.

Week 1: Feb. 15-21 Food-- Seven foods: chicken, spinach, eggs, avocado, pears, potatoes, Greek yogurt.
No coffee. Only water.
This is the perfect fast for the start of Lent.

Week 2: Feb. 22-28 Clothes-- Seven articles of clothing
**Underthings don't count
Should pajamas?!?

Week 3: Feb. 29-March 6 Possessions-- Give away 7 things a day.
Goal: Not just to a thrift store, but to real people
Ideas: Meals of Hope, Lily Sparrow House, Hospitality House
**Relationship... not just charity

Week 4: March 7-13 Media
No cable, facebook, twitter, apps. Email only.

Week 5: March 14-20 Waste

Week 6: March 21-27 Spending-- Only spend at seven places
Wondering if I could only spend $70.

Week 7: March 28-April 3 Stress

April 1- Palm Sunday, I will be sharing this experience at an Adult Forum at church.

7 by Jen Hatmaker

A friend of mine recommended the book "7" to our Bible Study. At reading the "description" paragraph I was hooked. I had to know more. So, I immediately downloaded the book on my Nook and started reading. I was awe-struck. It spoke right to my heart.

On Jen Hatmaker's blog, she writes, "I just wanted to be more like Jesus... except when I didn't." Ahhh- that's it! I want to be more like Jesus-- but I don't want to give up all my comforts. I want to be generous, but I am scared.

How can I be authentic? This is not meant to be about me... but about getting out of the way to make more room for focusing on God and God's people.

So, I am following her book- I am going to take the next seven weeks (Lent- perfect timing), and I am going to simplify and focus on generosity, Jesus, and my neighbor.